Tips for Finding the Best Electronic Cigarette Brand

Everyone has their own individual reason and preference when it comes to which is the best electronic cigarettes.  You might prefer the full-throated variety while your best friend likes the organic – Green – type. The very first step in choosing what kind you want is to read the electronic cigarettes reviews that are on our site,  The second step is to ask yourself if you want to try a cheap eCigarette or a Premium eCigarette. What to Look for an eCigarette Review As...


The Difference between Vaporizers, Cartomizers and Cartridges

Electronic cigarettes are all the rage now and even celebrities are moving onto this safer smoking habit as opposed to tobacco filled products. These smoking devices come with a lot of terms and these can be confusing to a first time user or people who are interesting in ditching that cigarette stick for this electronic device. Some of the most prominent terms you see being floated around e-cigarette review sites are cartridges, cartomizers and vaporizers. Today we try to...